Serving the best Customized Web and Mobile Applications Globally Since 2014

Convert your great ideas of customized web and mobile applications into reality or automate your complex and manual business processes with customized web and mobile applications.

We are attentive!

We are attentive!

We pay close attention to your requirements!

We are conscientious!

We are conscientious!

We do our duties with 100% dedication.

We are methodical!

We are methodical!

We follow organized steps of execution.

We are companionable!

We are companionable!

You will have pleasant work experience.

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Introduction to Rewa Soft


Rewa Soft was established by Mr. Ankur Chhipi Mourya in 2014, in Kathmandu. Kathmandu is one of the most famous and beautiful cities in the world for its temples, wood and stone craftsmanship. Rewa Soft is committed to serving global customers with customized web and mobile app development solutions with similar craftsmanship in the most professional manner. Whether you're an individual, a startup looking to bring your great idea into life or an established enterprise seeking to stay ahead of your competitors and looking for automating any of your complex business processes, Rewa Soft is here to help you achieve your goals and turn your idea of web and mobile application into reality with Exceeding Excellence.

Our Services

Customize as you Need

You deserve the best!

Don’t compromise with off-the-shelf templates and copies of ready-made websites.

Project Development Process

Ensures the best Result

1 Requirement Analysis

Requirement Analysis

We communicate in multiple folds to understand your necessities and pain points.

2 Planning & Documentation

Planning & Documentation

We plan your project by proper documentation of your requirements, tasks and tasks divisions. 

3 Wireframe Design

Wireframe Design

In this phase, intangible project ideas are brought to life via tangible wireframe designs.  

4 Prototype Design

Prototype Design

We create interactive mockups to visualize functionalities before proceeding with final development. 

5 Development


Here, your project idea gets fully functional and operational through coding, programming and implementation.

6 Unit Testing

Unit Testing

Every single module or component of codes are strictly tested separately to ensure their intended functionality.

7 Integrated Testing

Integrated Testing

To confirm the smooth interactions of multiple modules ensuring flawless integration and functionality of the overall software project. 

8 Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Here, we ensure that the final project meets the specified standards of quality, functionality and reliability.

9 Deployment


We deploy your finalized web or mobile application to a designated server, app store or play store for the use of end users.

10 Regular Support

Regular Support

We can assure you of continued functionality, security and optimization of your software applications after deployment.

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Mar 14 ❘ Ankur Chhipi Mourya

Why can Nepal be the best outsourcing hub for Web and Mobile Application Development Services ?

As Digital presence now has become a necessity and technology continues to advance at a rapid pace,...

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Mar 08 ❘ Rupa Karki

Women In Tech

International Women's Day is an occasion to celebrate the achievements of women in all fields of lif...

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